Angel Mario Ortiz Ochoa

MMMY 21 - EspaƱol/English/ein bisschen Deutsch

B. Sc. Engineering Physics / science research student
I am currently working on optimization problems in visual optics and GRIN lenses modeling @ Tec de Monterrey.
I am learning optimization algorithms, physical optics, The Julia Programming Language, git and GitHub, and german language.
I'm interested in scientific literature, aviation, flight simulation (as ATC and pilot through IVAO), PC gaming and hardware, nuclear energy supporter, ethical and sustainable urbanism.
I am also a Star Wars and Disney's Frozen fan.

I am developing a project with my school friends, it is a collective effort in designing and creating multimedia for digital platforms with the purpose of expressing ourselves, our skills, and our knowledge in topics of our expertise, as well as simply sharing our opinions on interesting news.